Posted by: ilovedeepcreeklakerealestate | January 18, 2012

Garrett’s fifth-graders are staying in elementary schools

Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — The Garrett County Board of Education Tuesday night decided against a proposed plan to move fifth-grade students into middle schools during a special meeting at Southern Middle School.
School officials are now considering an elementary alternative that will be based on next school year’s kindergarten enrollment. That plan won’t be finalized until enrollment figures become available later in the spring.
“I’m relieved to see another plan on the table. It gives me the confidence on what you, the school board, is doing for our school,” said resident Melissa Long, one of nearly 200 people in attendance.
“I’m against fifth-graders going to middle school. I counsel youth and the number one issue I see is insecurity. Sending them to middle school will only amplify this,” said Mike Robinson, pastor and member of Friendsville Advisory Committee.
The reconfiguration would have provided the maximum effective use of staff and space while providing students optimum educational programing, said Sue Waggoner, interim superintendent of schools. As part of the plan, fifth-graders would have been able to participate in foreign language and tech education classes.
The reconfiguration was part of a five-year plan developed by Waggoner. That plan also calls for the closing of Dennett Road, Kitzmiller and Friendsville elementary schools.
Hearings for those school closures begin today at 7 p.m. in the Friendsville school gymnasium.
Should Friendsville close, the 103 students who attend the school will be sent to Accident and Grantsville elementary schools, according to Waggoner. In addition, school position reductions are proposed as part of the plan.
Kitzmiller Elementary’s 50 students would be redistricted to Yough Glades and possibly Broadford elementary schools as part of the plan.
“We are $3 million short. There is no way around the closings,” said Waggoner.
Hearings are also set for Kitzmiller on Thursday at 7 p.m. in the school multipurpose room and for Dennett Road Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Southern High School gym.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at

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