Posted by: ilovedeepcreeklakerealestate | October 24, 2011

Habitat area benefits woodcocks, honors bird scientist

By Dan Neuland
Today’s Sportsman

ADMIRATION AND respect for the late Aelred D. Geis and his influential work promoting sound wildlife management practices were evident at the ceremony dedicating the Aelred Geis Memorial Woodcock Habitat Demonstration Area at Mount Nebo Wildlife Management Area in Garrett County on Oct. 14. The event included a tour that showcased the habitat management techniques that support woodcock and other young forest wildlife.
Geis was a longtime resident of Maryland and a migratory bird scientist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He died at the age of 78 in 2007.

The project at Mount Nebo is a cooperative between the Aelred Geis Estate, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Ruffed Grouse Society and the Wildlife Management Institute. Each agency supplied funding and other resources to promote regeneration of young alder trees in an 8-acre section of wetland in the heart of Mount Nebo. This section is now dedicated to the memory of Geis and is a significant component in the total woodcock habitat mosaic of feeding, nesting and brood-rearing at Mount Nebo.

Family, friends and colleagues of Geis spoke of his commitment and drive to protect and create early successional forest habitat.

More here.

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