Posted by: ilovedeepcreeklakerealestate | July 23, 2010

MDE Fines MLP Couple For Alleged Wetlands Violation

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Jul. 22, 2010

The Maryland Department of the Environment has announced 25 recent major enforcement actions seeking penalties totaling $1.2 million for alleged violations of MDE requirements for water, air and radiation management, and land.

A Mountain Lake Park couple was among those cited. Michael and Dawna Ashby paid $1,500 to the Maryland Nontidal Wetlands Compensation Fund on May 7 to resolve alleged nontidal wetlands violations, including failing to obtain MDE authorization for disturbing 400 square feet of emergent wetlands and 1,800 square feet of wetlands buffer.

Corrective actions have been completed, according to an MDE press release.

“The Maryland Department of the Environment’s top priority is to protect public health and our environment, and a consistent baseline of enforcement actions prevents further pollution and risks to public health,” said MDE Secretary Shari T. Wilson. “The vast majority of Maryland businesses which are in compliance deserve to have environmental laws fairly applied across the board.”

State law requires that prior to performing construction activity, a person obtain and implement a Soil Conservation District-approved erosion and sediment control plan for any proposed land clearing or earth disturbance greater than 5,000 square feet, which must be maintained for the life of the project.

It is unlawful for any person to introduce soil or sediment into waters of the state or to place soil or sediment in a condition or location where it is likely to be washed into waters of the state.

State law requires that property owners notify MDE before conducting any work in tidal and nontidal wetlands, their buffers, and waterways of the state. MDE assesses the impact of any work on tidal and nontidal wetlands and, if appropriate, will issue a permit authorizing the work.

For more information, persons may visit

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