Posted by: ilovedeepcreeklakerealestate | July 23, 2010

Final Slate Of Political Candidates Noted By GC Board Of Elections

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The final slate of local candidates for the September primary elections has been released by the Garrett County Board of Elections.

Republican state senator George Edwards will have no competition in his bid to retain his position, while Delegate Wendell Beitzel will be challenged in the general election in November by Democrat James R. “Smokey” Stanton.

Challenging incumbent District I county commissioner Ernest Gregg will be fellow Republican Gregan Crawford. Leroy Bernard Sr. had entered the race, but has withdrawn. The winner of the GOP primary will face Democrat Eric Robison, who is unchallenged, in the general election.

Filing for District II county commissioner on the Republican side are incumbent Fred Holliday and Jim Raley. There are no Demo-crat candidates.

In county commissioner District III, Republican incumbent Denny Glotfelty will face Robert Gatto, Louis Newcomb Jr., and Timothy Thomas in the primary. Squaring off in the Democratic race will be George Falter and Bill Welch.

Read the rest here.

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