Posted by: ilovedeepcreeklakerealestate | July 23, 2010

Board Of Education Members Question 2010 Maintenance Plan

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Jul. 22, 2010

With discussions of possible school closures on the horizon, the Garrett County Board of Education recently faced controversy over the 2010 Education Facilities Maintenance Plan that was presented by Jim Thomas at the recent board meeting. Thomas is the director of facilities and maintenance for all area schools, and the plan outlines ratings for each school to describe the quality of the facility.

At the start of the meeting, when the agenda was being discussed, it was suggested by board member Thomas Carr that it be added to the agenda a brief discussion about where things are headed with the upcoming school closure issue. Board member Jim Raley commented that it would not be fair to the public to add something “so critical” to the agenda after the original agenda was sent out.

Formal discussion has yet to take place on this issue, and plans are set for the August meeting to address the concerns. The amendment was withdrawn and the original agenda was approved unanimously by the board.

Thomas then took the floor to present the changes recently made to the maintenance master plan, with the ultimate goal being that the board approve the changes and the plan would then be submitted to the state. Thomas and eight other employees give input on the stability and conditions of the facilities currently in use by the county school system.

Raley voiced one of his conerns over the plan, noting that certain facility ratings have dropped drastically in the last year. When comparing the 2009 ratings and the 2010 ratings of Kitzmiller Elementary School, for example, a total of 15 areas dropped from fair or good condition to poor. Raley questioned whether this had something to do with the impending closing of this or other schools.

“I have trouble believing that this document will not become part of a case,” said Raley.

“What you’re saying about our staff is they’ve got some kind of hidden agenda or motive going on,” said member Rodney Durst.

Read the rest here.
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