Posted by: ilovedeepcreeklakerealestate | June 30, 2010

Reinstatement of highway, police subsidies sought

OCEAN CITY — The association of Maryland’s cities and towns wants Gov. Martin O’Malley to undo steep cuts in state subsidies.

The Maryland Municipal League will lobby hard for the return of state highway user fees and police aid dollars to the municipalities, said Executive Director Scott Hancock. MML members will make it their “highest priority” so the towns that have depended on those funds can keep their budgets afloat, he added.

Legislators slashed those funding sources to towns by 90 percent, as part of continuing efforts to balance the state’s budget. State revenue shortfalls of more than $1 billion a year are projected through 2015, according to the Maryland Budget and Tax Policy Institute…..

The cash crisis has some small towns in Garrett County in Western Maryland considering disincorporating as municipalities, Hancock added, though he did not specify which towns.

Read the rest here.

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