Posted by: ilovedeepcreeklakerealestate | June 25, 2010

Abe Clark – Running across America

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and passing through Garrett County last Friday on his way from California to Atlantic City, N.J., was Abe Clark, a 24-year-old resident of Wisconsin. Clark is hoping to arrive in Atlantic City next Wednesday, completing a distance of nearly 3,000 miles and an estimated 4,000,000 steps. He also pushes a three-wheeled cart that carries various supplies. His effort to date has raised over $76,000 which will be given to Living Water International, a non-profit foundation that helps supply fresh water to people in Third World nations, with a current focus on Haiti following that nation’s devastating earthquake. Clark, who was a high school and collegiate runner, said that it was “a sense of adventure, a love of distance running, and a desire to help others” that motivated him to do this. While he has managed to make the excursion without injury, other than a few blisters, he nearly lost his life in New Mexico during a major snowstorm in February. He survived by building a snow cave and spending some 16 hours in it until the storm subsided. His 136-day run was also interrupted by the death of his grandfather, which took him off his course and back to Wisconsin for about three days. Persons who would like to make a donation to his cause can do so online by logging on to “I hope my actions will encourage others to join me in the race for clean water. I believe most people take fresh water for granted and are unaware of the shortages around the world,” Clark said. Abe’s father Mike, a cross country coach, was with him during his overnight stop in Oakland.

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