Posted by: ilovedeepcreeklakerealestate | May 14, 2010

Adventure Sports Center International To Host All-American Whitewater Fest.

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The Adventure Sports Center International will host the All-American Whitewater Festival to celebrate America’s veterans, and kick off the summer season of whitewater rafting and kayaking the weekend of May 28–30. Team River Runner athletes will be guests at the event. This is a wounded warrior organization that teaches injured veterans how to heal through whitewater boating.
The festival formally starts on Friday afternoon with Sunset Rafting beginning at 4 p.m. Team River Runner athletes will be on hand during whitewater time from 4 to 8 p.m. kayaking and getting ready for the Veteran’s Race to be held on Saturday. Visitors can meet the veterans and learn how they use whitewater paddling as part of their rehabilitation process, or just come to raft. The Community Day price is $25.

An opening ceremony will be held on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. featuring bag-pipes and the JROTC Color Guard. Veteran athletes will then lead the first ever Whitewater Parade at 11 a.m. The parade will also feature the Figurehead Contest, where homemade figureheads are attached to the bow of rafts and floated down the whitewater course during the parade.

Figureheads must be submitted no later than 9 a.m. that morning in order to allow time to affix them to a raft. Any person or group can build a figurehead to reflect any historic or famous person or creature, but it must be able to sit in the front of a raft or tied to the bow of the raft. Recommended materials are papier-mâché, fiberglass, wood, found materials, vinyl, or rubber. Prizes will be awarded to the most creative and patriotic figureheads.

The Veteran’s Race will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. Rafts will be captained by Team River Runner athletes, and the public is invited to join a raft team for only $10 per entrant. A guided rafting trip down the mountainside will also be offered Whitewater demonstrations will be held all day Saturday, including Olympic kayaking and Mattress Surfing.

Read the rest here.

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